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Tourism Gangneung EN - 솔향강릉

Food · Accommodations

Prepare for your trip to Gangneung

Food · Accommodations 페이지 배경 사진

Seongyojang House

  • Address 63, Unjeong-gil, Gangneung-si (Unjeong-dong)
  • Phone 033-648-5303
  • Number of guestrooms 11Rooms
  • Amenities
  • Parking facilities
  • Breakfast
  • Facilities for the disabled


Those who resided in Seongyojang House in Gangneung were the descendants of Grand Prince Hyoryeong (Hyoryeong Daegun). Five generations of the family clan of Wanpung Buwongun (Yi Gyeong-du, 1540~1602), the founder of Seongyojang House, resided in Chungju for 200 years, and Yi Nae-beon (1692~1781), the 6th generation descendant and Gaseondaebu, uprooted the family and settled in Gangneun after being guided to the present housing site by a pack of weasels. Because of the Gyeongpoho Lake located in front the house, a boat was used to make a bridge to cross the lake, and this is why the house began to be called Seongyojang. Anchaejuok had been built for residence in the early days of settlement, but because endless streams of poets, writers and artists visiting Geumgangsan Mountain and the eight scenic spots of Gwandong came to the house, more buildings were built over the course of 100 years to better accommodate them, and they were Yeolhwadang, Byeoldang, Jungsarang and Haengnangchae. In 1816, Hwallaejeong and a pond were created, and lotus flowers were planted to suit the baesanimsu (mountain at the back and water in the front) principles of pungsujiri (geomancy).

Final edit 2017-12-04