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Tourism Gangneung EN - 솔향강릉

Travel Info

Prepare for your trip to Gangneung

Travel Info 페이지 배경 사진

Where to Report or Inquire about Lost Items in Gangneung

Lost and Found

In the case that you lose or misplace any property during your travels, please contact the following lost and found centers or the Travelers’ Hotline.

Incheon International Airport Lost and Found Center

  • Location : Passenger Terminal (B1), West Side
  • Hours : 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily
  • Tel : +82-32-741-3110/3114
  • Email : find3110@gmail.com
  • Airport Police : +82-32-740-0112


Travelers’ Hotline

  • Tel : 1330